So what is heart coherence?
When we look at the definition of the word ‘Coherence’, it generally means “the quality of being logical and consistent” or “the quality of forming a unified whole”.
On the contrary, when we say something is incoherent, it usually means something is unclear, confusing, muddled, unintelligible and/or incomprehensible. We can say, both words are like frequencies and obviously, opposite, very different frequencies.
So, what is Heart Coherence™?
According to HeartMath Institute Research Director, Dr Rollin McCraty, “Coherence is the state when the heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation. It is a state that builds resiliency – personal energy is accumulated, not wasted – leaving more energy to manifest intentions and harmonious outcomes.”
We as humans experience a full range of emotions naturally, and we can learn to develop gratitude and a state of love. Studies have shown this brings the heart rhythm into a coherent state; this is turn brings resilience and health, and our lives improve on many levels.