Randi Kofsky
Randi Kofsky, CMT, LMFT is thrilled to offer bodywork, psychotherapy and coaching services at the Salomon Center for Bioenergetic Medicine.
She brings over 15 years experience as a Bodyworker and offers Cranial Sacral Therapy along with Trigger Point and MyoFascial Release. These methods are highly effective for releasing adhesions (Knots) in the muscle tissue while calming the nervous system and lengthening the spine. Randi can ease common issues such as neck and back pain as well as headaches and jaw clenching, hip tension and support before and through pregnancy.
Randi is also a Licensed Psychotherapist and works with individual adults, new parents, and the mother/daughter dynamic. Her style is interactive and her work is depth-oriented, experiential and somatic. She often helps clients with personal struggles related to relationships, career, habits, ways of thinking, feeling and communicating as well as in implementing Heart-Centered Self Care. Randi supports parents of babies with feeding, tongue tie, digestion, tummy time and colic challenges.
Innerwavebodywork.com — randikofskytherapy.com